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The Greatest Love Story

It is not very often that Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day fall on the same day. As a matter of fact, it has been 73 years since the last time it has happened. If you think about it however, what a great day for us to begin the season of Lent on.

During the season of Lent we are reminded about the greatest love story ever. It

starts in the book of Genesis when God looked at his creation and “ found it very good”. (Genesis 1:31). Even when Adam and Eve fell, he never stopped loving us. He wanted us to know how to live in communion with Him, so he gave us The Commandments and sent the prophets. He has always desired for us to be close to him.

Our Father loves us so deeply, that he sent His Son

to us, who loves us so much that he gave up His life for us, so that our sins will be forgiven. Think about the torture that Jesus suffered as he carried the cross. Then when He was hanging there on the cross, He still looked at us with mercy and forgiveness. There is no greater love than that. It is so great that even if you were the only person on Earth, Jesus would still have given up his life for you.

During Lent we are called to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Just do not forget how great God's love is for us, and that we do not need to try and grab His attention. He sees what we are doing no matter how large or small. There isn’t anything that we can do, that will increase His love for us.

Have a Blessed Lent!


Joel 2:12-18

Psalm 51 3-6, 12-14, 17

2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18


O beloved Jesus, who for the love of me agonized on the cross that you might pay by your sufferings the debt due to my sins, and opened your divine mouth to obtain my pardon from eternal justice: have mercy on all the faithful in their agony, and on me also when I shall be in that extremity, and, through the merits of your most Precious Blood shed for our salvation, give us so lively a sorrow for our sins that we may breathe out our souls into the bosom of your infinite



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