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The Gifts

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him. Isaiah 11:2

This truly is the season of giving gifts. Little children cannot wait for the "Elf on the Shelf" to show up. They hope that their elf will report back to Santa that they have been very good. All this in so that Santa will bring them everything they want for Christmas. The adults are busy out buying gifts for "Holiday" parties at work, family, friends and of course the little ones. How often though do we stop and think about the gifts that God has given us? Do we understand those gifts?

So, what exactly are these gifts that that He has given us? Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of God. These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Looking at them, most of us would be able to say, " I know what those words mean." The question is do we understand what they mean. St. Thomas Aquinas defines these gifts in Summa Theologiae as follows:

Wisdom is the ability to judge and direct human affairs according to divine truth.

Understanding is insight into the higher truths that are necessary for our eternal salvation.

Counsel allows us to be directed by God in matter necessary for our salvation.

Fortitude is the firmness of mind to do good and avoid evil, and the confidence to overcome hurdles by virtue of the assurance of everlasting life.

Knowledge is the ability to make correct judgments in matters of faith and right action so we do not wander from the path of justice.

Piety is revering God.

Fear of God is the fear of separating ourselves from Him.

When difficulties arise this Christmas season, reflect back on the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to us. Think about the situation and the different ways that you can apply these gifts to that situation. He has given these gifts to us, because he wants us to receive the ultimate gift of Everlasting Life with Him.

Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17

Luke 10:21-24


Light Immortal! Light Divine!

Visit you these hearts of ours,

And out inmost being fill!

Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge,

and grant that I may perceive

the will of the Father.

Father, through your Spirit,

you invite us to particitpate

in the fullness of creation.

Help me to see that all gifts

are from you and intended for

your Glory.

For there are many different

gifts, but always the same

Spirit, many ways of serving,

but always the same Lord.


*prayer taken from "The Catholic youth Prayer Book"

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